Actress Mercy Aigbe shared some pictures of hers on her Instagram timeline rocking Hermès Birkin bags. The cost of the Birkin bag the mother-of two is rocking starts from $14, ooo (that’s 2.1 Million Naira per bag), depending on the leather used, colour, hardware and size. She has 3 Birkins which makes a total of $42,000 spent on her bags, that’s roughly 6.2 Million Naira ... WOW!!!
The famous handmade in leather handbag, named after actress and singer Jane 'Birkin' is a firm favourite among celebrities like Victoria Beckham (who owns a 100 all worth £1.5 Million), Kim Kardashian, Naomi Campbell and of course our very own Omsexy, who has been spotted a few times with her black Birkin.
source: alabamau2
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