On what attracted her to her husband? He is very tender and protective, a man’s man. As a woman, when a man loves you, you just know. You know that you’re in it together, regardless of any situation. With him, there was a conviction in my heart that this is it. He is a very charismatic, confident man and he knows who he is. He is sweet, humble, very loving and he takes good care of me.
On Paris wedding? We just wanted something different. If it was in Nigeria, it would have been a real carnival but we wanted something serene. The love is a little bit sweeter in Paris, you know it can be hard in Nigeria (laughs). He feels he is a King and I’m a Queen, that is what we call ourselves, and we wanted to have this whole royal thingy going and we knew that we wouldn’t get that serenity in Lagos. We also wanted our families to bond, we wanted our parents to experience something new, to travel and relax. It was special to us and we wanted everyone around us to have special memories. We wanted something spiritual and divine. Not like we couldn’t get it here, but we wanted something to look back at with joy. We wanted to do us.

On new project 'DRY'? I’ve been busy preparing the ground work for my upcoming film, DRY. I’ve finished the first phase of the project and I’m working towards the next phase. It’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of my time and energy.
This particular project is something that is so dear to my heart. I’ve been working on it since I was in the University when I heard about Vaginal Fistula and early marriage and what women go through. I’ve done a lot of advocacy programs concerning this particular issue. It’s not like I planned it, I wrote the story and raised the funds for it so that means I became the producer. Then I acted and directed also. It just happened.
At this point in time, I just want to do a project. I don’t need to be in a hundred movies, I just need to do one or two movies in a year and I’m done. If I see good quality movies to be in, I would be, but now I’m just looking for something that would give me the extra push. I don’t want to be a mediocre actress or be in a feel good kind of movie. I need something to push me, and take me to where I need to be. I have about four scripts I’m considering at the moment but DRY is a project that is dear to my heart so I’m concentrating on this and when I’m done with it, I’d be off doing other projects. DRY is going to be released this year.
Culled from Bella Naija
source: alabamau2
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