Sunday 29 September 2013

Military declares total war on Boko Haram

Following the killing of 161 in Benisheik in Borno State, the military may go full blast against Boko Haram members in their hideout in some forests.

The latest onslaught was said to have international support although the extent of back up was kept under wraps last night.

As at press time, however, security agencies were still analysing the video clip of a statement released by the leader of Boko Haram, Imam Abubakar Shekau.

Also, the Defence Headquarters has ordered troops to make all roads in the state safe to protect lives and property.

According to a top military source, the Federal Government was thinking of a full military option or ‘Mali Option’ against the insurgents.

The source said: “The government has given enough room for dialogue and rapprochement with the insurgents but they have been killing innocent citizens and attacking troops. They have also set many buildings ablaze.

“The slaughtering of 161 in Benisheik in Kaga Local Government Area and the appearance of Boko Haram leader, Imam Abubakar Shekau, have reinforced the renewal of strategy to take the battle to the insurgents.”

Responding to a question, the source admitted that “more troops and fighter jets have been deployed in Borno for the last “stage of the battle against insurgents. If you look at it, the military and other security agencies have done well in securing more than 90 per cent of Borno State. But it is imperative to take the battle to the enclaves of these insurgents and have a clean sweep.”

The source added that the battle would be a “constructive engagement.”

He added: “The military and security agencies are conscious of innocent citizens that are living in the areas and vulnerable hostages who may be victims of merciless bombardment.

“Everything is being done to protect Nigerians living in these hideouts to avoid a repeat of recent carnage. More security and intelligence officers have been deployed in the affected areas. And with tremendous support from locals and volunteers, things would take proper shape in the next few weeks.”

Asked about the safety of the roads in Borno, the source said: “As I am talking to you, the Defence Headquarters has directed that all routes in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States should be secured. We want to make the Benisheik incident the last of such massacre.”

Regarding threats from Boko Haram leader, the source said: “Security and intelligence agencies are analyzing the photographs and video clip which was released during the week.”

Meanwhile, there were indications of international support for the fresh battle against Boko Haram.

It was learnt that there might not be direct intervention as done by French in Mali but there will be covert support from some super powers.

The source said: “The big nations like the US, the UK and even France appear to be pleased with the performance of our security agencies and the military in fighting against insurgency. So, there can only be technical and intelligence support. Since terrorism is now a global challenge, a lot of information sharing might be received by our military.”

source: nigerianeye


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