Tuesday 26 August 2014

Islamic scholars describe Boko Haram’s action as treason

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has rejected the declaration of Gwoza as Boko Haram’s caliphate, describing it as a “mirage”.

Islamic scholar Sheikh Dhikrullahi Shafi’I also described the action as treasonable.

MURIC reaffirmed its faith in the unity and indissolubility of Nigeria.

According to MURIC Director, Prof Ishaq Akintola, “Almighty Allah says, ‘Oh you who believe, obey Allah, His Messenger and those in position of authority.’ (Qur’an 4:59). Islam therefore commands obedience to constituted authority but Boko Haram has chosen disobedience to and belligerence towards the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr Goodluck Jonathan. Whereas Boko Haram members are aware that the Sultan of Sokoto and President-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar is the indisputable leader of all Nigerian Muslims, they have refused to heed all his appeals. Instead of giving honour to Muslim leaders and Emirs, Boko Haram has killed some of them and attacked some others.

“Whereas all-encompassing education is one of the basic tenets of Islam (Qur’an 96:1-5), Boko Haram forbids Western education. Whereas Prophet Muhammad commands education for all, Boko Haram seeks to alienate women from education. “Again, whereas the Prophet honoured the girl-child and commanded his followers to do same, Boko Haram kidnaps and enslaves young and innocent girls thereby exposing them to wild life and subjecting them to unimaginable psychological trauma.”

Akintola, who described Boko Haram’s declaration as a statement of secession, said it must not be allowed.

Gwoza, he said, must be liberated within days.

“Boko Haram or no Boko Haram, we cannot compromise the territorial integrity of Nigeria to anyone, no matter how barbaric. We charge the Nigerian Armed Forces to be more focused from this moment. Boko Haram must be flushed out with microscopic accuracy from all the villages occupied in Borno State. But there is a caveat: it must be done professionally so that innocent civilians do not fall victims,” he said.

MURIC reiterated that Boko Haram’s declaration is outrageous and unacceptable in Islam.

Akintola said: “Gwoza Caliphate is definitely not the caliphate which we desire; the caliphate of Prophet Muhammad which he established in Madinah was based on justice, love and peaceful coexistence.

MURIC therefore rejects Boko Haram’s caliphate. It is a mirage. It exists only in the figment of Shekau’s imagination. Like a good surgeon who will not hesitate to amputate a rotten limb from a patient’s anatomy, MURIC urges President Jonathan to immediately don the garb of a good surgeon.”

He assured Nigerians that Muslims want to live in peace and tranquility with their Christian neighbours and their traditionalist brothers and sisters in one and indivisible Nigeria.

Sheikh Shafi’I the Mufti (Grand Sheikh) of Conference of Islamic Organisations (CIO) said the insurgents deserved death penalty once caught.

He likened the latest statement of the sect to that of Islamic State in Iraq (ISIS) which declared an Islamic caliphate recently.

According to him, the world Muslim scholars and bodies have also rejected ISIS because of its unIslamic declaration.

“This is not the way to go about caliphacy; it has procedures. You do not wake up one day and declare caliphacy. Boko Haram action is about creating chaos in the polity and no right thinking scholar will support their evil action. Prophet Muhammad said whoever calls for disunity in a united environment should be killed, hence the insurgents have committed a treasonable offense that amounts to death penalty,” he said.

Boko Haram, he said, has become a fitnah (trial) for the nation.

Nawair-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria Lagos Missioner, Sheikh AbdulMajeed Ayinla, said the sect declaration is alien to prophetic teachings.

“We, like other Islamic organisations disassociate ourselves from the false Islamic caliphate declared by the Boko Haram. Such declaration has no place in the history of Islam. We call on government to take decisive action to nip the criminal activities of the insurgents in the bud,” Sheikh Ayinla said.

Chief Executive Officer, Zakat and Sadaqat Foundation, Imam Abdullahi Shuaib described the rise of Boko Haram’s criminal activities as unfortunate.

Imam Shuaib said: “The ugly situation is getting from bad to worse and one hope it will end this way. No doubt, Boko Haram has transgressed all lawful boundaries and should be treated as criminals for their despicable actions. Their journey so far negates the teachings of Islam. Everything they stand for is evil and alien to Islam. We have a leader in the President-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, hence their caliphacy declaration holds no ground. We pray Boko Haram becomes history soon because they are extremists who are out to tarnish the image of Islam.”

source: nigerianeye


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