Saturday, 27 December 2014

‘President Jonathan is not on twitter'

A presidential source has disclosed that President Goodluck Jonathan is not on twitter contrary to an earlier report by an online news site that claimed that the president operates the @JGoodlucktweets account.

Jonafacebook JonatwiBut upon investigation, it was revealed that the Twitter profile in question @JGoodlucktweets though pro-Jonathan, is not the twitter profile of the President neither is it listed on any of the President’s official platforms.

“The president is not on twitter, he does not operate any account like that. His facebook account is verified where he engage Nigerians and the world. In fact, one of his aides granted an interview to a national daily in 2013 explaining why the President is not on Twitter,” the source said.

President Jonathan is verified on Facebook where he has a following of almost 2 million followers. He has the second largest following of any President after US President, Barrack Obama and he regularly engages with Nigerians through that medium.

The @JGoodlucktweets was last updated on November 11 while the verified facebook account boast of the president’s Christmas message on December 25.

source: nigerianeye


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