Friday 14 November 2014

Would You Intervene if You Saw Domestic Abuse Happening in Public?

Honestly guys, would you intervene if you saw domestic abuse right in front of you? A social experiment carried out in Sweden has shockingly revealed ONLY TWO per cent of people would speak out if they were witness to violence between a couple.
Organisation STHLM Panda used hidden cameras to explore human nature in broadcasts that are aired online. Their latest offering took place in an elevator. Two ‘couples’ engaged in a fierce argument that led to the man in each scene placing his hands on the woman, pushing and shoving her to the wall.
Of 53 people who had shared the lift with the actors, only one person spoke out!! One woman stood
with her shopping keeping herself to herself, keeping out of the incident, even when a slap was heard. Another girl stood playing on her phone, a man with what looks like office documents observed the ‘assault’ and then exited the elevator despite hearing the assailant telling the girl that he will ‘kill’ her.
Thankfully someone finally spoke out, as a lady with a blue coat told the man who has been pushing and shoving his partner that she will ‘call the police’ if he touches her again. Her look of surprise was expected when she was told by the actors that it was a social experiment. Even more so when the man told her that she was the only one of 53 people who spoke up.
‘I can’t believe people are not reacting,’ the girl said before making her exit. 
The group plans to do a second broadcast on domestic abuse against a man and see whether the results are any different.


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