Friday, 17 June 2016

Bauchi Govt Explains Why Commissioner Was Photographed With Stacks of Naira

The Bauchi state government has issued a statement explaining why one of its commissioner, Abdullah Mohammed Idris was photographed with huge sums of money.

Read statement issued by state government below:

Good evening to the good people of Bauchi state. It has come to my attention, the circulation of certain photographs online of money found on the table of a serving Commissioner of Bauchi state. I wish to assure you all that, the said picture is no implication of corruption or illegal money transactions.

This period of Ramadan teaches us to extend love to the poor, less privileged and the non buoyant. In line with this, and as has always been done, the Bauchi State Government releases funds to mosques in Bauchi state for the provision of iftar to faithfuls. These funds are disbursed through the Office of the Commissioner for Religious Affairs, to assist faithfuls who are not buoyant enough to afford iftar.

Once again, we understand the insensitivity of the image, surfacing at a time like this when we as a Government are working hard to achieve a corruption-free and transparent administration.
We want to assure the good people of Bauchi state that all and sundry is being done to make the best use of resources, fight corruption within the State and ensure that all our promises to the people are fully delivered.

May Allah crown our efforts with success.

Shamsuddeen Lukman Abubakar
SA Communications to His Excellency the Governor of Bauchi State
16th June, 2016

source: nigerianeye


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