Friday, 17 June 2016

Goodluck Jonathan Rejected For Mo Ibrahim African Leadership Prize

Nigeria's former President Goodluck Jonathan has been rejected for Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership despite meeting key requirements.

Jonathan seems to have met the Prize criteria which includes Former African Executive Head of State or Government, left office in the last three years, democratically elected, served his or her constitutionally mandated term, demonstrated exceptional leadership; it is unclear why he wasn’t given.

On Thursday, the committee in-charge of the award announced that no former African leader met the requirements for the 2015 version of the yearly award. This will be the second consecutive year without any winner for the prestigious award.

The prize was instituted in 2006 by Sudanese telecoms entrepreneur, Mo Ibrahim. The prize rewards former African leaders who demonstrated sterling qualities while in office, served their constitutionally mandated term; and demonstrated exceptional leadership.

source: nigerianeye


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